Bus Safety
Bus Safety Rules
- Students must arrive at their assigned bus stops five minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive. The bus cannot wait for those who are tardy.
- Students must respect and not trespass on the property adjoining the bus stop.
- Students should wait for the bus in a safe place well off the roadway.
- Parents should only drop-off or pick-up their students in assigned locations or on the same side of the road as the bus.
- Students will be let off the bus only at the school or designated stops.
- Students must go to their seats without crowding or pushing.
- Passengers must remain seated while the bus is in motion.
- Passengers will not extend arms, legs, hands or any object out of the bus windows.
- Passengers will not vandalize the bus or equipment.
- Students will act respectful toward the driver and be courteous to other riders. Violence (fighting, scuffling, throwing objects, etc.) will not be tolerated under any circumstance.
- Students may not open the bus windows or emergency doors except by the direction of the bus driver.
- Students will keep books, lunch boxes, band instruments and other items out of the aisles.
- Eating shall be at the discretion of the bus driver; for safety and health reasons the bus must be kept clean.
- Students are allowed to talk, in a conversational tone, to their fellow riders. Yelling is not permitted.
If you have a question about the bus safety rules, or about school buses, please call the main office at 214-375-2039